Geochemical Characteristics of Topaluşağı Volcanics (Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye)

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Basalt, basalticandesite, geochemistry, petrography


The study area between subdistrict Güzelyurt, 11 km southeast of the city Kahramanmaraş and the Abbaslar village (Topaluşağı). The youngest units in the area are plateau basalts which are the results of Cretase-aged volcanism. Besides, they have proved to the different from the basalts of the ophiolitic series because they have been spilitised as regarded with the appereans in the area and they don’t show cushion flow. These rocks, defined as olivined basalt after the microscopic studies. Geochemical classifications were made based on major and trace element geochemistry data.


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How to Cite

ÜNAL, E., KÖSE , O., & İŞLER , F. (2024). Geochemical Characteristics of Topaluşağı Volcanics (Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye). MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(2), 466–472.


