Liquefaction Potential in Erciş District of Van

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Erciş, liquefaction, liquefaction potential


The district of Erciş is surrounded by major fault lines such as the Çaldıran Fault, the Van Fault, and the Erciş-Kocapınar Fault, which have the capacity to generate large earthquakes. The settlement of Erciş, built on Quaternary-aged lake and river sediments consisting of loose units close to the surface groundwater level, is at risk of liquefaction due to regional tectonics and seismic activity. Therefore this study aims to determine the liquefaction potential of the Erciş settlement. Liquefaction analyses based on the existing Standard Penetration Test (SPT) blow count data from previous geotechnical survey studies conducted in the town center were performed, and liquefaction safety factors were calculated to determine the potential risk. The obtained data has been mapped using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based software, and maps showing the liquefaction potential for the Erciş settlement were generated. These maps identify areas with high liquefaction potential, particularly in regions where groundwater is close to the surface and along the shores of Lake Van.





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How to Cite

ERTUŞ, L. (2024). Liquefaction Potential in Erciş District of Van. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(2), 360–372.


