Determination of Spatial Distribution of Some Nutrient Element Contents in Dörtyol Plain Soils

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Dörtyol plain, Geographic information system, Geostatistics, macro and micro nutrient


In this research, some nutrient element contents of the soils in the Dörtyol plain were determined and spatial distribution maps of these elements in the study area were created. By using random sampling method, a total of 48 soil samples were taken from 0-30 cm depth from the study area. During sampling, the geographical coordinates of the sampled points were determined with a GPS device. In the soil samples; Available sodium (Na), potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) were analyzed. Geostatistical methods were used to model the spatial distribution and geographic information systems (GIS) were used in mapping of elements. The K, P, Ca, Na, Mg contents (mg kg-1) varied between 12.18 - 1563.1, 2.4 -133.6, 522.5 - 4363.3, 3.07 - 56.78 and 473.7 - 3278.8, respectively. Among the micronutrients, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn contents (mg kg-1) varied between 8.8 and 43.5, 0.8 and 9.4, 9.4 and 332.2 and 2.3 and 22.7, respectively. The coefficient of variation (VK) of the soil parameters varied between  37.80 % (Ca) and 120.85 % (K). A0 values ​​of the soils in the study area varied between very wide limits, such as 710 m (for Fe) and 18600 m (for P). Exponential and Spherical models for the majority of elements were determined as the most suitable semivariogram model.


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How to Cite

AĞCA, N., & AŞKINER, E. D. (2024). Determination of Spatial Distribution of Some Nutrient Element Contents in Dörtyol Plain Soils. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(2), 331–346.


