Relations Between Protein Intake and Immune System in Human and Farm Animals

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Amino acid, Antibody, Immunity, Nutrition, Protein


Protein is one of the foods that should be consumed daily nutritions for balanced and healthy nutrition. Daily protein requirements of humans and animals are met from vegetable and animal sources. There are 300 amino acids known in nature but only 20 of them exist in the structure of proteins. Some of the amino acids deficiency is not a problem, it can be synthesized in limited quantities from others, and the need can be met easily. Especially in poultry, lysine and methionine levels needed for high yield or rapid development are obtained from commercial sources produced synthetically due to the insufficiency of commonly used feeds. Amino acids absorbed from the digestive system are carried to the organs, tissues, and cells, which are used through the bloodstream. Proteins are found in the structure of many components in the body such as; various organs, hair, bone, body fluids, enzymes, hormones, etc. In addition to providing nutrients, proteins are also involved in the structure of various molecules in the immune system.


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How to Cite

ŞENTÜRK DEMİREL, D., & DEMİREL, R. (2024). Relations Between Protein Intake and Immune System in Human and Farm Animals. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(2), 320–330.


