Fresh Yield and Competitive Ratios of Forage Turnip and Forage Pea Mixtures

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Forage turnip, forage pea, intercropping, fresh yield, competition


The aim of current study was to determined of intercropping forage turnip “FT” with forage pea “FP” fresh yield and competitive ratios in Bilecik conditions in 2022-2023 growing period. Plants were sown as sole and in 2 different mixtures (50FT+50FP% and 25FT+75FP%). Experiments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. In the study, fresh yield, land equivalent ratio (LER), competitive ratio (CR), aggressivity, actual yield loss (AYL) and  intercropping advantage (IA) values were determined. The highest fresh grass yield was obtained from sole forage turnip with 3.90 t da-1, the lowest from sole fodder pea with 1.80 t da-1 and 2.04 t da-1 from 25FT+75FP% treatments. The mixture of The 50%FT+50FP exhibited higher LER (1.07). The competition of forage turnip is higher than forage pea, and the real yield loss decreased with the increase of forage turnip in the mixtures. As a result, it was determined that the 50FT+50FP% mixture showed superior performance compared to other treatments. However, this mixture was insufficient in terms of green grass yield. According to this, it was concluded that it would be more appropriate to conduct the second year of the study and add intermediate ratios to the mixtures in order to interpret the results more accurately and reveal clear results.


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How to Cite

SEZER, M., AZAK, M., YILDIRIM, İlknur, & GÜLÜMSER, E. (2024). Fresh Yield and Competitive Ratios of Forage Turnip and Forage Pea Mixtures. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(2), 290–296.


