A Preliminary Study on The Effect of Different Cutting Heights on The Forage Yield and Some Quality Parameters of Giant King Grass (Pennisetum hybridum)

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giant king grass, cutting height, forage yield and quality


This study was conducted to determine the effect of different cutting heights on the forage yield and some quality parameters of giant king grass (Pennisetum hybridum). The experiment was carried out at Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, Izmir/Turkey, during the summer growth seasons of 2023. In the experiment, four different cutting height (H5:5 cm, H10: 10 cm, H15: 15 cm and H20: 20 cm above ground level) were tested and, harvested plant material was ensilaged. Some characteristics were measured such number of tiller, plant height, dry matter (DM) yield, pH of silage, crude protein (CP) concentration, NDF, ADF contents and root weight. Results indicated that there were no significant differences in plant height among the treatments, and number of tiller and DM yield increased in the H5 treatment; however, root weight, forage quality and CP content decreased. Cutting heights of 10 to 15 cm above ground level can be recommended throughout the growing season for silage production of giant king grass for plant persistence, with high yield and acceptable forage quality, and for the safe operation of the harvest equipment’s.


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How to Cite

GEREN, H., ƏLİYEVA, S., BAXIŞLI, T., & ABIŞOVA, M. (2024). A Preliminary Study on The Effect of Different Cutting Heights on The Forage Yield and Some Quality Parameters of Giant King Grass (Pennisetum hybridum). MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(2), 221–229. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11612203


