Response of Pennisetum hybridum to Wood Vinegar Application

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giant king grass, wood vinegar, DM yield, silage quality


This study was conducted to determine the effect of different rates of wood vinegar on the forage yield and some quality parameters of giant king grass (Pennisetum hybridum). The experiment was carried out at Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, Izmir/Turkey, during the summer growth seasons of 2023. In the experiment, four different rates of wood vinegar (WV) (WV0: 0 % [control], WV1: 1 %, WV3: 3 % and WV5: 5 %) were tested on the crop. Applications of wood vinegar were made on the leaves of the crop twice, and harvested plant materials were ensilaged. Some characteristics were measured such as plant height, dry matter (DM) yield, pH of silage, crude protein (CP) concentration, NDF and ADF contents. Results indicated that applications of wood vinegar had significant effect on plant height, number of tiller, DM yield and root weight but not CP, NDF and ADF contents. The highest DM yield was obtained from the application of WV3.


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How to Cite

GEREN, H., ƏLƏSGƏROVA , S., MEHTİYEV, Əli, & QULIYEVA, L. (2024). Response of Pennisetum hybridum to Wood Vinegar Application. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(2), 211–220.


