Insurance in the Digital Age: An Assessment of the Skills and Competencies Needed in the Technology, Innovation and Digitalization Process (TIDP)

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Digital Age, Digital Insurance, Digital Transformation


The aim of this study is to evaluate the skills and competencies needed in the insurance industry in the triangle of technology, innovation and digitalization and to offer tips that all stakeholders, especially insurance businesses, on the digital transformation journey can use and benefit from. This study aims to examine the effects of digital transformation on the insurance industry and to make an evaluation on the skills needed in the insurance profession in the process of technology, innovation and digitalization. The main research question of the study is “What digital knowledge and skills are needed in the insurance profession in the digital age?” It was determined as. The scope of the study is limited to the insurance sector in Turkey. A qualitative research method was used in the study. In order to understand the effects of technology, innovation and digitalization processes on the insurance sector, secondary data in the relevant domestic and foreign literature was studied. By conducting document, document and content analysis, digital transformation in the insurance sector in Turkey and its effects on insurance professional knowledge, skills and competencies were evaluated. In the study, it was tried to determine the skills and competencies required to successfully perform the insurance profession in the technology, innovation and digitalization process in Turkey. On the other hand, it has been determined that the professional standards in practice in Turkey cannot adequately meet this need in the current situation. It is expected that this study will make significant contributions to the determination and change of the skills and competencies of personnel working in the insurance sector in the process of technology, innovation and digitalization.


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How to Cite

CESUR, E. (2024). Insurance in the Digital Age: An Assessment of the Skills and Competencies Needed in the Technology, Innovation and Digitalization Process (TIDP). MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(1), 152–166.


