Determination of Forage Quality Characteristics in Some Euphorbia Genotypes of Poisonous Plants in Grassland-Pasture and Natural Vegetations of Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey

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Euphorbia, genotypes, forage quality, protein, ADF, NDF, minerals


This study was conducted in May 2023 to determine the forage quality characteristics of some Euphorbia genotypes, which are poisonous plants in the meadow-pasture and natural vegetation of the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. In the genotypes examined in the study, crude protein (CP) was 11.78-22.51%, acid detergent fiber (ADF) was 17.18-31.73%, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) was 22.80-42.22%, acid detergent insoluble protein (ADP) was 0.32-0.97%, dry matter (DM) 86.19-91.11%, digestible dry matter (DDM) 64.18-75.51%, dry matter intake (DMI) 2.84-5.27%, relative feed value (RFV) 141.4-294.3, potassium (K) 1.93-3.75%, calcium (Ca) 1.41-1.93%, magnesium (Mg) 0.23-0.46%, phosphorus (P) 0.32-0.47%, Ca/P 3.01-5.82 and K/(Ca+Mg) varied between 0.86-2.26. In this study, some grass quality values of Euphorbia genotypes were compared; E. aleppica-2 and 1, E. cheiradenia-2, E. denticulate-1 and 2 for CP, E. aleppica-2 and E. cheiradenia-2 for ADF, E. denticulate-1, E. aleppica-2 and 1 for NDF, E. aleppica-2 and E. cheiradenia-2 for DDM, E. denticulate-1, E. aleppica-1 and 2 for DMI, E. aleppica-2, E. denticulate-1 and E. aleppica-1 for RFV gave statistically the highest values. Among these species, E. aleppica-2 and 1, E. denticulate-1 and E. cheiradenia-2, respectively, gave the highest values in terms of many important traits examined (CP, ADF, NDF, DDM, DMI and RFV).


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How to Cite

TEMİZYÜZ, A., & BAŞBAĞ, M. (2024). Determination of Forage Quality Characteristics in Some Euphorbia Genotypes of Poisonous Plants in Grassland-Pasture and Natural Vegetations of Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(1), 141–151.


