Effects of Motivational Interviewing Intervention on Self- Management and Hba1c in Type 2 Dıabetes Patients

Diabetes type 2, HbA1c, motivational interviewing, self-managementAbstract
This study examined the impact of motivational interviewing on self-management and HbA1c in patients with type 2 diabetes using a pretest–posttest control group in a quasi-experimental research design. Twenty-five experimental and twenty-six control patients who applied to an outpatient clinic in a training and research hospital made up the study's sample. The Diabetes Self-Management Instrument, the Behaviour Change Stage Identification Form for Type 2 Diabetes Patients, and the Patient Information Form were used to gather the data. Following the pretest, the control group underwent standard care while the experimental group underwent four sessions of the motivational interviewing (MI) method. In order to analyze the data, descriptive and comparative statistical techniques were applied. Before the intervention, the trial and control groups' patients' individual and illness characteristics, as well as the results of the Diabetes Self-Management scale, were similar. A statistically significant difference was observed in the post-test Diabetes Self-Management Scale total scores between the patients in the trial and control groups. There was a significant difference between the post-test HbA1c outcomes of the patients in the experimental and control groups when comparing their pre- and post-test HbA1c outcomes. The study's findings demonstrated the efficacy of motivational interviewing in raising type 2 diabetes patients' levels of self-management and reducing their HbA1c results.
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