Hazelnut Growing in Düzce Province

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Hazelnut growing, Düzce, Black Sea region


Düzce province has an important place in Turkey's hazelnut production. The Black Sea coast, where hazelnuts have been cultivated for thousands of years, are the natural growing area of hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.). Düzce province, located in the Western Black Sea Region, is under the influence of the humid and not too harsh climate seen in the coastal parts of the region. The average temperature of the province is 13.0 °C, the average precipitation is 823.7 kg/m² and the relative humidity is 75%. The general economic structure of the province is based on agriculture, trade and partly industry. In the hazelnut production carried out in 38 provinces in our country, Düzce province accounts for 11% of the production with 83,052 tons. 35.16% of hazelnut production in Düzce province comes from Akçakoca district. This is followed by Central districts with 20.06% and Yığılca districts with 14.28%.



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How to Cite

ÜNVER, H. (2024). Hazelnut Growing in Düzce Province. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(1), 28–34. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10613104


