The Importance of Syriac Culinary Culture and Syriac Wine in The Field of Gastronomy in Terms of Mardin Tourism
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Syriac, Syriac culinary culture, gastronomy, Mardin, tourismAbstract
The objective of this study is to assess the significance of Syriac cuisine and wine in the context of Mardin tourism, specifically in relation to local gastronomy and geographical indications. The fundamental constituents of the tourism product encompass transportation, lodging, and food and beverage services. Throughout history, the culture surrounding food and beverage consumption has undergone significant evolution and enrichment. Mardin, as an urban center, is situated within a locale that possesses a notable abundance of historical, natural, and cultural heritage. The present study focuses on Syriac wine, which holds a significant place in the distinctive eating and drinking culture of Mardin. The existence of distinct Syriac cuisine and Syriac wine in Mardin, which has been officially recognized as a geographical indication, is believed to have the potential to elevate the region's status as a significant gastronomic and wine tourism destination. Therefore, it is anticipated that this will make a contribution to the tourism industry in the Mardin region. Simultaneously, this study holds significance as a motivational research endeavor for the recognition of geographical indication for Syriac cuisine and Syriac wine found in Mardin.
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