Determination of Roughage Yield and Quality of Grass Pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) In Bilecik Ecological Conditions
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Roughage, yield, quality, grasspea, common vetchAbstract
In this study, silage and hay yields and quality of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) species were examined. The "Eren" varieties of grass pea and the "Emir" varieties of common vetch were used as materials in the study. The trial was conducted in Bilecik conditions in 2022. The study was designed according to the Random Block Trial Design with 3 replications and was conducted in 2 half-trials. Accordingly, the study was evaluated separately as silage and hay. Silage and hay yields of grass pea and common vetch were 568.23-246.97 kg da-1 and 661.98-252.62 kg da-1, respectively. The average crude protein ratio of the varieties was determined as 22.79% in silage and 20.11% in hay. Macronutrients (K, P, Ca and Mg) determined in both silage and hay are at a level to meet the nutritional needs of animals. In the study where the silage and hay yield and quality of grass pea and common vetch were examined in Bilecik ecological conditions, there was no difference between the varieties in terms of the examined traits. Accordingly, it is predicted that both varieties can be grown easily in the regional ecology.
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