Effects of Canopy Position on Fruit Quality of Kiwifruit (cv. Hayward)

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Actinidia deliciosa, bearing direction, fruit quality, firmness, soluble solid content


This study investigated the effect of fruit-bearing orientation of the Actinidia deliciosa ‘Hayward’ (kiwifruit) on fruit quality. Plant age and canopy position significantly affected the physico-chemical properties of kiwifruit. Fruit length, thickness and weight was increased on the branches in the south and east side of vine. Southern fruits were in the most exposed canopy orientation and had higher soluble solid content and more dry matter than those associated with other canopy orientations. We conclude that fruit-bearing orientation affects fruit quality via the canopy effect. It was suggested to collect the fruits separately according to their orientation. Result is valuable for improving the post-harvest quality and harvesting criteria of fruits.


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How to Cite

DURUL, M., & EFE, İsmail. (2023). Effects of Canopy Position on Fruit Quality of Kiwifruit (cv. Hayward). MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(4), 813–823. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8407078


