Using Waste Papers in the Field of Art by Making it Functional: Kocaeli Province Example

Kocaeli, waste paper, recycling, art, cardboard, inspectorAbstract
Paper production and consumption in our country has increased rapidly especially in recent years. The use of waste paper in paper production is increasing every year due to population growth, industrialization and urbanization. Recycling of waste paper makes an important contribution to both protecting the environment and increasing the diversity in the use of raw materials. There is approximately 20% of waste paper in the collected garbage. In addition, the rate of waste paper in official offices and schools is quite high. For these reasons, the collection and re-functionalization of waste paper has become an inevitable industrial activity today. Within the scope of this study, the waste papers in the schools and public offices in Kocaeli will be collected and how they will be evaluated in the production of "Cardboard", the most basic material in which the branches of art in the field of Traditional Turkish Arts are applied, the application method and methods will be explained. In this way, both waste papers will be integrated with art and contribution to the economy of the province and country will be provided. Our study will be very important especially in terms of guiding individuals on how to make them functional again using traditional methods using waste paper.
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