The Effect of Foliar Application of Potassıum Fertilizer at Seedling Stage of Soybean Plants Under Salinity

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Salinity, potassium humate, soybean, seedling stage


Soybean is a strategically important plant with both high protein content and high oil content. Various abiotic stress conditions can be effective on agricultural activities. Practical solutions can reduce the negative effects of stress conditions. For this reason, this study aimed to investigate how soybean is affected by salinity during the seedling period and to what extent it can tolerate the negative conditions caused by this stress with potassium humate fertilizer. Arısoy soybean variety was grown in greenhouse conditions in 1.3 kg pots (sand + perlite 1:1) in a random parcel experimental design under 0, 3, 6 dS m-1 salt conditions (by applying with irrigation water) after emergence. Potassium humate (0 and 40 cc da-1) was applied during the seedling period. As a result of the study, it was determined that increasing salinity conditions had significant negativelly effected on plant height, fresh and dry weight, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b content, leaf relative water content, wheares the values leaf relative membrane permeability (RMP) of soybean plants was increased because of cell membrane demaged by oxidative stress during seedling period. In the study, although potassium humate application on soybean grown under modareted level (3dSm-1 salt) salinity conditions did not create a statistically significant difference and importance, it is recommended to carry out studies on its availability, application amount and application period since it has a positive effect on some traits (plant height, leaf area, karatoneid ve RMP) under salt stress conditions. Thus, it is thought that foliar potassium humate application will be important in terms of a practical application for producers to cope with the negative effects of salt stress conditions.


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How to Cite

CANAVAR, Öner, & ÖNCAN SÜMER, F. (2023). The Effect of Foliar Application of Potassıum Fertilizer at Seedling Stage of Soybean Plants Under Salinity. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(3), 606–618.


