Soybean (Glycine max L.) Sprouts: An Overview

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Soybean sprouts, sprout, growth, yield, quality


In both human and animal nutrition, soybean is a significant source of fatty acids and protein. In the process of domestication of soybeans, the Chinese eventually learned that soybeans could be converted into a variety of soy foods, including tofu, soy sauce, soy paste, and soy sprouts to increase the flavour and digestibility of soy-based foods. Because of its excellent nutritional value and whole-year availability, soybean sprouts have become increasingly popular as a functional food. Sprouts are typically higher in phytochemicals that promote health compared to their mature relatives. The germination process of soybeans results in the accumulation of proteins, lipids, total phenolics, phytoestrogens, vitamins, isoflavones, and free amino acids. Additionally, soybean sprouts have elevated antioxidant phytochemical activity. Compared to dry seeds, soybean sprouts include more vitamins and minerals. In order to increase fatty acid compositions and generate high-quality soybean sprouts, a number of aspects, including seed size, sprout features, and health advantages, must be taken into account.


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How to Cite

CUBUKCU, P., ŞAHAR, A. K., OLUK, C. A., & ZAİMOĞLU ONAT, F. B. (2023). Soybean (Glycine max L.) Sprouts: An Overview. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(3), 581–590.


