The Relationship Between Smoking Addiction and Depression in Family Physicians

Family physicians, smoking addiction, depressionAbstract
The main aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between smoking addiction and depression in family medicine practitioners. Within the scope of the main objective, it was tested whether there was a significant difference between the smoking addiction levels and depression levels of family medicine practitioners and their personal characteristics. A total of 128 family medicine practitioners participated in the study. Sociodemographic form, Depression Scale and Fagerström Addiction Scale were used as measurement tools in the study. parametric tests were used for the second sub-objective; correlation analysis was used for the third sub-objective. As a result of the study, when the relationship between the Beck Depression Scale and Fagerström Addiction Scale of the participants was examined, a low level significant relationship was found in the opposite direction. It was shown to be higher in family smokers. As a result of the research, solution suggestions were made.
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