The Effect of Autumn Harvests on Viability Rate of Newly Established Giant King Grass (Pennisetum hybridum)

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Season closing date of cutting, giant king grass, viability rate, herbage yield


The aim of this study is to determine the closing date of cutting for autumn and to investigate on the vitality rate of newly established giant king grass under the Mediterranean climate. The experiment was carried out at Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, Izmir, Turkey between 2021-2022. Eight different harvesting dates (Control-no cut, 15 October, 25 October, 5 November, 15 November, 25 November, 5 December and 15 December) were tested on the crop material at 10-day intervals in the study. The experiment was designed as a pot experiment with 8 replications. The results showed that the harvesting dates in autumn had a significant effect on the viability rate of newly planted giant king grass. Harvest on 5 December and 15 December caused the highest plant loss (37.5%). The cuttings made on these dates also reduced the herbage yield in the following season. The cutting dates approaching the winter season prolonged the recovery period of the plant in the following season.


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How to Cite

GEREN, H., & QULIYEVA, L. (2023). The Effect of Autumn Harvests on Viability Rate of Newly Established Giant King Grass (Pennisetum hybridum). MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(3), 412–420.


