Iron-Based Nanomaterials as Wastewater and Pollutant Adsorbents

Nanomaterial, iron oxide, adsorbent, heavy metal, wastewaterAbstract
Environmental and human health are seriously threatened by the release of heavy metals into the environment through mining, metal finishing, welding, and alloy manufacturing. Heavy metals, in contrast to some organic contaminants, cannot be metabolised or destroyed and are not biodegradable. Through the water and the food chain, organic contaminants that are persistent in the environment, such as antibiotics, endocrine disrupting substances, and organic chemicals, represent a serious threat to the ecosystem's health. Pharmaceuticals like paracetamol, carbamazepine, and sulphanilamide are produced in vast quantities each year to treat diseases in humans and improve livestock breeding. Dyes, are basic chemical compounds and widely applied in numerous areas, but pollute the environment. The majority of dye compounds are mutagenic, teratogenic, and carcinogenic. The most practical method for treating wastewater at a cheap cost and with a high level of efficiency was found to be adsorption. Nanomaterials are used in a variety of technical domains because they exhibit a number of special enhanced features that bulk materials can not. Due to their distinct physicochemical features, iron-based nanoparticles have recieved significant attention recently, particularly in practises for environmental remediation. There is an increase in demand for new, and environmentally friendly methods for generating these nanoparticles.
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