Effect of Alexithymia Severity on Attitudes Toward Hypertension Prevention in Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study

Adult, alexithymia, attitude, hypertension, preventionAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of alexithymia severity on attitudes toward hypertension prevention in adults. In the literature, the effects of alexithymia severity on attitudes toward hypertension prevention in adults have not been clearly elucidated. However, it has been reported that alexithymia is a possible risk factor for various medical conditions and may increase predisposition to diseases. This cross-sectional study included 358 adult individuals. Study data were collected with a personal information form, the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, and the Attitudes Toward Prevention of Hypertension Scale. The data was collected between December 12, 2022, and May 24, 2023. Relationships were analyzed by multiple linear regression. Findings were reported according to the STROBE guidelines. A weak negative correlation was found between the total scores of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale and Attitudes Toward Prevention of Hypertension Scale. The variables of educational status, smoking, having a family member with hypertension, and alexithymia were statistically significant predictors of attitudes toward hypertension prevention. It was further determined that these variables explained 7.6% of the variance in attitudes toward hypertension prevention. Alexithymia severity in adults affects their attitudes toward hypertension prevention. Determining the severity of alexithymia in adults may assist health professionals in implementing initiatives to improve the condition of alexithymia. In addition, new positive behaviors can be developed to prevent hypertension in adults.
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