Nursing Department First-Year Students After The Pandemic Examination of Anxiety Levels

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Covid-19, nursing students, Anxiety, post-pandemic


Nursing students may be in an anxious mood against occupational risks. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to many changes in today's world, has also increased concerns and affected nurses. This research is planned descriptively to determine the anxiety levels of first-year nursing students at the beginning of their education in the post-pandemic period. The data of the study were collected by a researcher in the Department of Nursing of a university. In the collection of the data, the Personal Information Form prepared by the researcher and the continuous anxiety scale was used. 107 nursing department students studying in the first year of a state university participated in the study. While 98.20% of the participants were between the ages of 18-25 and 77.57% chose the nursing department voluntarily, the most important reason for choosing the department was determined as 29.91% liking the health field and 25.23% finding easy assignment/job opportunities. As a result of the bilateral comparisons, it was determined that the significant difference was that those who chose the nursing department voluntarily and thought that they received happiness and satisfaction from the department while reading the department had lower levels of continuous anxiety (p<0.05) than those who did not feel anything against the department When the thoughts about the field they studied were examined, it was concluded that 52.34% of the nursing department gave happiness and satisfaction, and 27.10% did not feel anything about the department. It was found that the students' Continuous Anxiety Scale scores ranged from 23 to 68 and the average was 43.99. However, it can be said that students who willingly and lovingly chose the nursing department were not affected by the pandemic and its aftermath.


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How to Cite

AYDIN KAHRAMAN, H. (2023). Nursing Department First-Year Students After The Pandemic Examination of Anxiety Levels. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(3), 503–510.


