Factors Affecting the Migration from Rural to Urban Areas: A Case Study in Gürün District of Sivas province

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Rural migration, socioeconomic characteristics, sociocultural features, regional development


Throughout history, people have migrated to other places by leaving their original places of residence for different reasons. Migration from rural areas to cities is also a common phenomenon, especially in developing countries, based on many different reasons. In this study, the migration from the rural areas of the Gürün district of Sivas province to the large cities is examined. The socioeconomic characteristics of the immigrants, the cities they migrated to, and the socioeconomic and sociocultural factors that are effective in the migration process are examined. The research data were obtained from the questionnaires made with 384 people determined according to the Cochran sampling method and accessed by the snowball method. According to the research findings, it is seen that the people who migrated from the countryside to the metropolitan cities with a high level of development such as Istanbul, Ankara, Kayseri and Izmir for education and job opportunities at young ages. The factors affecting the migration process are predominantly socioeconomic factors. At the beginning of these factors is the desire of people to find a good future for their children. Although sociocultural factors have remained in the background compared to economic factors in the migration process. Better health facilities in metropolitan cities were an important factor affecting the migration process. In the research, it has been revealed that if the sustainability of the countryside is preserved, the living level and standards of the rural areas are improved, job and education opportunities are increased, and the income level of the people is increased, then the migration from rural areas will decrease. Finally, in the research, it was suggested that policies and studies should be carried out to develop rural areas.



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How to Cite

BOZ, İsmet, & BAYBAŞ, Z. (2023). Factors Affecting the Migration from Rural to Urban Areas: A Case Study in Gürün District of Sivas province. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(2), 374–383. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8032210


