An Outlook of the Cultivation, Medicinal Properties, and Tissue Culture Techniques of Centaurea in Türkiye: A Comprehensive Review

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Centaurea, endangered, endemic, medicinal, tissue culture


Centaurea L., one of the largest genera within the Asteraceae family, has undergone taxonomic revisions resulting in the separation of certain sections into three distinct genera: Psephellus Cassini, Rhaponticoides Vaillant, and Cyanus Miller. This review presents an overview of Centaurea in Türkiye. The genus Centaurea in Türkiye involves118 taxa consisting of both endemic and non-endemic species. These taxa have been classified into various endangered categories, including Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU), Lower risk (LR) - conservation dependent, LR- near-threatened, LR- least concerning, Data deficient (DD), and Critically Endangered (CR).  Furthermore, the review acknowledges the importance of researching Centaurea's medicinal properties, traditional agricultural practices, and tissue culture techniques. It is essential to conduct comprehensive studies on germplasm conservation, evaluate their suitability as forage and ornamental plants, and explore their medicinal and traditional agricultural applications, given their conservation status and potential uses. These studies will enhance Centaurea's potential applications and benefits in various fields.


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How to Cite

ÖZEL, Çiğdem A., & MAESAROH, S. (2023). An Outlook of the Cultivation, Medicinal Properties, and Tissue Culture Techniques of Centaurea in Türkiye: A Comprehensive Review. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(2), 362–373.


