Effect of Genotype, Sex and Seasons on Livability, Growth and Reproduction of New Zealand White, Californian and Chincilla Rabbits
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Rabbit, genotype, season, reproduction, livabilityAbstract
This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of genotype, sex and season on livability, growth, and fertility in White New Zealand White (NZW), California (C), and Chincilla (Ch) rabbits. The study population consisted of 27 female and 9 male rabbits at age ranging from 12 to 14 months and their off springs (n=355). Fertility, growth, and survival parameters were recorded for 120 days of age. The survival rates were 77.06, 69.49 and 55.22% on day 60 (at weaning) and 63.13, 61.01 and 44.02% on day 120 for NZW, Ch and C off springs, respectively. Season was significant effect on survival during the experimental period for NZW rabbits, until weaning age for C rabbits and after weaning for Ch rabbits (P<0.01). Highest live weight was recorded in winter for NZW and Ch rabbits and spring for C rabbits. The final live weights for female and male were 2379.26-2376.44 g for NZW, 2620.23-2372.51 g for C and 2400.91-2158.72 g for Ch rabbits. The number of off springs at weaning age was the highest for NZW rabbits in all seasons. Season caused variations in the number of parturition for NZW rabbits (P<0.01), but not C and Ch rabbits. Variation among genotypes was notable in spring (P<0.05). In conclusion, survival- growth-fertility rates varied by the genotype, sex and season in rabbits. Data suggest genotype selection considering controllable environment is necessary for rabbit production, female NZW and Ch rabbits for cold regions and C for warm regions.
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