Effect of Berry Leaf Waste on Soil Compaction
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soil degradation, penetration resistance, sustainability, organic wasteAbstract
In this study, the effect of returning berry leaves to the soil for many years on soil compaction was investigated. Samples were taken from grape, fig and pomegranate orchard soils and from the control point and necessary analyzes were made. According to the results obtained; While the highest PR (3.11 MPa), BD (1.52 g cm-3) and ss (70.90 kPa) values were obtained in control soils, the lowest values were obtained in grape orchard soils. Among the soil variables; While the highest porosity (53.33%) and OM (3.03%) were detected in grape orchard soils, they were listed as fig garden soil, pomegranate garden soil and control soil, respectively. The changes observed in the berry orchard soils were statistically significant (p<0.05) according to the control application. In addition, when we compared the berry orchard soils within themselves, the physical improvement of the soils was seen mostly in the grape orchard soils, followed by the fig orchard soil and pomegranate orchard soil. This ranking was statistically significant (p<0.05). These results were attributed to the organic matter content of the berry leaves. Grape-like fruit leaves, which return to the soil as organic waste for years, increase the soil organic matter content while decreasing the soil compressibility. This showed that organic wastes have an important place in the sustainability of soils.
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