A Study on the Determination of Rooting Characteristics of Some Vine Rootstocks

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Grape, Vine rootstock, Rooting, Rootin ratio


In this study carried out at Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences between 2021-2022, it was determined that 16 different vine rootstocks (Fercal ,41B, Harmony, Ramsey, 8B, SO4, 1103P, 99R, Dogridge, 5BB, 44/53, 1045, 110R, 1613C, 140 Ru., 1616C) rooting characteristics were determined. In addition, within the scope of the study, the first rooting dates of the cuttings of rootstocks were determined. Rooting percentages (%), number of roots (number), root weights (g), root lengths (cm) of rootstocks were determined within the scope of the research. According to the results obtained, 1616 C came to the fore in both years in terms of rooting time among the rootstocks, and the first rooting was observed on the 16th day in the 1st year and on the 9th day in the 2nd year. The rootstock variety with the latest rooting was 1045 rootstocks with 35 days. In terms of rooting rates, the rootstock varieties with the highest rooting rate of 100% were 1613C, 140 Ruggueri, 41B and Harmony, while the lowest rooting rate was found in 110R rootstocks with 33.3%. In terms of root weight, the highest root weight per cutting was obtained from 99R rootstock, and the lowest root weight was obtained from 110R rootstock. In the evaluation made in terms of root length, the highest average root length was obtained from Fercal rootstock.



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How to Cite

SAĞLAM, H., ÇALKAN SAĞLAM, Özlem, & KARAKOYUN, M. (2023). A Study on the Determination of Rooting Characteristics of Some Vine Rootstocks. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(1), 103–108. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7664498


