Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory Evaluation Questionnaire: The Case of Şırnak Province

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Questionnaire, biochemistry, laboratory, specialist, practitioner


A questionnaire was prepared in order to measure and evaluate the satisfaction of the specialists and general practitioners working in Şırnak State Hospital about the clinical biochemistry laboratory. 86 people participated in the survey and 37 of the participants were general practitioners and 49 specialists. 10 questions were asked in order to evaluate the processes such as whether the results were reached in sufficient time, the accuracy of the results and the reporting of panic values. Of the physicians participating in this study, 57% were specialists and 43% were general practitioners. The mean age and standard error were calculated as 30.81 ± 4.35. Of the physicians participating in the study, 61.6% were women and 38.4% were men. In the questionnaire that physicians participated in, the findings of the study and results of the tests, the status of the tests, the safety of the results and their relations with the clinical biochemistry laboratory were obtained. In the clinical biochemistry laboratory evaluation questionnaire, it was seen that the communication between both physician groups and the laboratory was positive. Although the reliability of our laboratory is at a good point in terms of the accuracy of the results, it is thought that errors should be minimized and training should be given to both physician groups about the reliability of the working principle of the laboratory.

Author Biography

Erkam COŞKUN, Şırnak State Hospital, Clinic of Medical Biochemistry, Şırnak





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How to Cite

TAHİROĞLU, V., & COŞKUN, E. (2023). Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory Evaluation Questionnaire: The Case of Şırnak Province. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(1), 1–6.


