Compact City: A Comparative Study of Urban Policies

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Compact city, density, mixed-use, urban sprawl, urban compactness policy


After urban sprawl was revealed as an undesirable phenomenon of urbanization due to its physical, economic and social negativities, various urban models have been introduced to minimize the damages of urban sprawl. One of the most significant examples of these city models is “compact city”. Although many countries in the world have not adopted the compact city model yet, there are countries which have taken successful steps in this regard. In this context, the current research has suggested a theoretical framework to define compact city with its chief indicators. Later, four significant cities in terms of urban compaction are chosen as case studies from diverse parts of the world. A comparative assessment method was applied to find similarities and differences among the case studies in terms of compact city interventions. In the light of compact city indicators cited in literature, the present study aims to reveal what kind of planning policies should be adopted and what steps can be taken to achieve a successful compact city model.  The result of the study clarifies the common characteristics of cities that are successful in terms of urban compactness.



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How to Cite

ERAY, S. S., & ÖKSÜZ, A. M. (2022). Compact City: A Comparative Study of Urban Policies. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(Özel Sayı), 1246–1262.


