An Assessment of the Family Functionality of Orthopedics Clinic In-Patients

Family, family health, family members, nursing care, hospitalizationAbstract
The present study was conducted with an aim to determine the family functioning of the patients hospitalized in orthopedics clinic. Type of this study is cross-sectional. Data were collected from 281orthopedics patients. Sociodemographic form and Assessment of Strategies in Families Scale were used. The majority of patients (92.2%) needed care. The respective percentages of individuals who reported that they felt insufficient, hopelessness, anger, decreased sexual activity, and separation from the society were 52.7%, 32.0%, 39.5%, 17.8%, and 29.9%. There was a statistically significant difference between the mean score of ASF-E scale and the educational status, marital status, family type, family crisis in the last year, sharing the feelings about the condition, and experiencing role tension of the individuals involved. Activities of daily living of individuals with orthopedic condition were limited and they needed a great deal of care.
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