Industrial Painting Robot Arm Design and Manufacturing with Rotary Table

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Industrial, robotic arm, Spray paint, Turntable, Robot


In this study; In order to minimize the dyeing quality of industrially produced products and the worker errors that occur in dyeing processes, a robot arm with a rotary table and five degrees of freedom (5DoF) was designed and manufactured. Advanced kinematic analysis of the robot arm was obtained using the Denavit Hartenberg method. In the design of the robot arm, feedback servo motors are used. The movements of the robot axes are realized by using PWM (signal width modulation) signals produced from Arduino Uno microprocessor. Since the painting process varies a lot from product to product, the motion data of the robot arm is programmed in the Arduino IDE to record and run. Thus, the positions of the end function of the robot arm, which was moved to ten different positions with the help of joysticks that enable the robot arm to move manually, were recorded. Within the scope of this study, 10 different positions, whose coordinates are determined randomly, are followed by the end function of the robot arm.


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How to Cite

ARİN, M., & BAŞOĞUL, Y. (2022). Industrial Painting Robot Arm Design and Manufacturing with Rotary Table. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(4), 1057–1071.


