Reasons for Afghan Immigrants to Come to Turkey and the Problems They Experience

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Afghanistan, migration, afghan immigrants, ımmigration to Turkey, migration problems


When we look at the countries with the largest immigrant population in the world, it is seen that factors such as internal conflict, war, and a weak economy are one of the main reasons for migration mobility. Due to the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan for years, it has maintained its position as the country that produces the most immigrants in the world. In this study, we tried to understand the socio-economic characteristics of Afghan immigrants living in Istanbul, Konya, Uşak, and Sakarya, based on their experiences in the migration process and examining the reasons for their migration. The "survey" method was chosen as the data collection method. Questionnaires were prepared appropriately and applied in the form of face-to-face interviews. The data obtained through the questionnaire were evaluated by preparing tables consisting of frequency and percentage distributions using SPSS. We evaluated our findings and results in terms of the socio-economy of the immigrants and then the reasons for their arrival in Turkey. Prolonged conflicts and drought and famine caused by climate change, which created an uncertain economic and political situation in Afghanistan, forced about 7 million Afghans to leave their homeland and migrate to other countries to find a better life. To prevent the Afghan migration crisis that has been going on for years, first of all, political and economic stability must be ensured. To ensure economic and political stability in Afghanistan, it is necessary to establish an inclusive and unifying government that includes all ethnic groups. In terms of economy, since the country's economy is predominantly based on agriculture, agricultural policies and programs should be developed and farmers should be supported.


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How to Cite

ALAMYAR, R., & BOZ, I. (2022). Reasons for Afghan Immigrants to Come to Turkey and the Problems They Experience. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(4), 1042–1056.


