The Necessities of Cranberry bush (Viburnum opulus) Evaluation for Horticultural Cultivation

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Cranberry bush, horticulture, cultivation, health, industry


The challenges for providing healthy food needs of increasing population growth make it necessary to evaluate new food sources which can be easily found in nature and are a rich source of secondary metabolites. Despite many cultivated horticultural species, Attention to the cultivation of wild species has been neglected. Among these species, the European Cranberry bush (Viburnum opulus L.) is a lesser-known horticultural plant that can be considered for taking under cultivation. Recently, the cranberry bush plant has been preferred because of its use as a decorative ornamental plant as well as its unique taste, aroma, and benefits for human nutrition and health. To have economic justification for the cultivation of V. opulus fruit, its application in the foods and pharmaceuticals industry should be highlighted. Therefore, it is necessary to know its biochemical components and health-promoting activities. Almost all parts of European cranberry bush plant including Flowers, leaves, and bark have been used in folk medicine since a long time ago to contain large amounts of tannins, carotenoids, isovalerianic acid, saponins, and glycosides. Recently, bioactive compounds extracted from European cranberry bush have been used as raw material for the pharmaceutic industry to cure many diseases especially different types of cancer. This study aims to investigate various aspects of this precious plant to make it economically viable for commercial cultivation on large scale.


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How to Cite

GÜNEY, M., & GÜNDEŞLİ, M. A. (2022). The Necessities of Cranberry bush (Viburnum opulus) Evaluation for Horticultural Cultivation. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(4), 1033–1041.


