Evaluation In Terms of Forestry And Agricultural Production of Excavator-Filling Areas Soils In Afsin-Elbistan Coal-Fired Power Plant Basin

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Afşin-Elbistan, coal-fired power plant, excavator-filling, soils


It is important to rehabilitate excavation and filling areas in mining sites and transform them back into their natural environment or production areas. This research was carried out to evaluate in terms of forestry and agricultural production of excavator-filling areas soils in Afşin-Elbistan coal-fired power plant basin, in Turkey.   For this purpose, samples were taken from 21 different points at soil depths of 0-30, 30-60, 60-90 cm, and analyzed for some physical, chemical properties and heavy metals. In general, the experimental soils have medium texture, slightly and medium alkaline in reaction (pH), moderate and high level calcareous, and slightly and medium salty. The high EC and pH values ​​of the soils can be attributed to the use as filler material in excavated areas of coal-power plant ash having high EC ​​(5.16 dSm-1) and pH (9.83) values.  Besides, available zinc content was usually found to be deficient in the soil samples. On the other hand, total and available cadmium (Cd) and nicel (Ni) contents are generally higher than the limit and literature data. As a result, high levels of the pH, EC, Cd and Ni for forestry and agricultural production in the areas surveyed can affect plant growth negatively Therefore, it can be recommended to choose plants suitable for these conditions in terms of forestry and agriculture.



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How to Cite

SÖĞÜT, A., & SALTALI, K. (2022). Evaluation In Terms of Forestry And Agricultural Production of Excavator-Filling Areas Soils In Afsin-Elbistan Coal-Fired Power Plant Basin. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(4), 940–950. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7289605


