Effect Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Health Sector And New Trends
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COVID-19,, Effect of COVID-19 on Health sector, new trends in health sectorAbstract
Covid-19 still prevailing for last 3 year changed and effected daily life forever in the world. Not just life but also mentality of human being. People staggered in the beginning about what to do and how to cope with this situation. But after a while people adapted very quickly to the new conditions by changing himself and transforming to new era. This transformation process deeply effected whole life but mostly and firstly to the health sector. Since health sector is one of the mostly effected sectors from Covid-19 pandemic. It has come face to face with the whole threats of virus first of all. At the beginning people did not know anything about Covid-19 that is why it was dangerous to come face to face and encounter with this virus. Under this circumstance health sector firms and health sector workers underwent to risks. Now, they are trying to adapt themselves to the new conditions. some of these efforts are to develop new generations of medicines, vaccines, and equipment. Search of Post- Covid-19’s effect in health sector and new trends that Covid-19 dictated also effect of Covid-19 virus on health workers will be helpful in understand the life in the future and to protect people from the effects of these type of viruses which may generate in the future. In this study new developing viruses and conditions effects also new trends that these conditions will dictate will be studied. Some outcomes and proposals will be developed for future os business and society.
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