Determination of Plant Parasitic Nematode Species In Corn Cultivation Areas of Canakkale Province

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Corn, plant parasitic nematode, Canakkale


Among the amount of grain production in the world, corn ranks first, followed by wheat, paddy and barley. Corn production in Turkey is 6.750.000 tons on 7.582.370 decares as of 2020. Corn is one of the important food sources for our country, and corn is also used as animal feed. There are many diseases and pests that cause economic losses in the corn plant. One of these pests is plant parasitic nematodes. In this study, soil samples were taken from 156 different areas in order to determine the prevalence of plant parasitic nematodes in corn plants in Çanakkale province and its districts. As a result of this study, the most Tylenchus species were detected in Çanakkale with 30.8%, followed by 26.2% Aphelenchus spp., 20.91% Pratylenchus spp., 17.93% Ditylenchus spp., 10.11% Merlinius spp., 8.5%. Dorylaimus spp., 5.05% Tylenchorhynchus spp., 3.9% Paratylenchus spp., 3.2% Longidorus spp., 2.52% Mononchus spp. and 1.6% Panagroloimus spp., were determined.


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How to Cite

YILDIZ, E., & GÖZEL, U. (2022). Determination of Plant Parasitic Nematode Species In Corn Cultivation Areas of Canakkale Province. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(3), 763–768.


