The Effects of Yield And Yield Components of Bacteria Inoculation And Different Plant Densities In Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.)

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Broad bean, bacteria ınoculation, plant density, yield component, quality


The study was conducted to determine effects of bacterial inoculation and different plant densities on the yield and some yield components in broad bean in Fethiye ecological conditions. Experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Complete Blocks Design with three replicates at the fields of farmer 2021-22 growing years in Fethiye. In the study were investigated the plant height, seed number per plant, grain yield per unit area, harvest index, hundred grain weight, protein ratio number of nodules, and weight of nodules. According to results of the study, the highest value was determined as 292.3 kg da-1 from bacterial inoculation and plant density of 60 m2 plant-1, which is statistically in the same group as 50 m2 plant-1 density. The lowest value in terms of grain yield per unit area was found to be 183.6 kg da-1 without graft and 20 m2 plant-1.


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How to Cite

KASAP, F., & TOGAY, N. (2022). The Effects of Yield And Yield Components of Bacteria Inoculation And Different Plant Densities In Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.) . MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(3), 630–640.


