Socio-Economic Impact of Brucellosis in Cattle At Banadır Region, Somalia

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Brucella, cattle, Mogadisho-Somalia


Brucellosis is a highly contagious zoonotic and devastating disease that affects households‟ potential to improve their well-being through trade in livestock and livestock commodities. Despite the disease being endemic in Somalia, there is inadequate information, on its socio-economic impact. Therefore, a cross-sectional study was conducted in Banadir region, Somalia to determine the impact of brucellosis on socio-economic wellbeing of cattle farmers at household and livestock exporters. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the Socio economic impact of Brucellosis at households; and to identify their impacts on livestock exporters. Structured questionnaires and key informant interviews were used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data in this research. The study population is comprised of households, livestock exporters, and the estimated target population was 40 people. Therefore the sample of the study was 36 respondents drawn from the estimated target population. The data are code and analyses by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer software Version 22.0. All costs and monetary losses were in households was due to abortions accounting for 32,400,000 Sh.SO equivalents to USD 1,350. Animals were exposed to. Losses due to discarded milk from infected herds at household level (3,360,000equivalent to USD 140). Similar results have been reported in Sudan by Angara et al. (2016) who estimated the quantity of milk lost due to brucellosis to be Sudanese Pounds (SDG) 30,302,212.2 (Equivalent to USD 6,587.4). This study has established that brucellosis is an important livestock production constraint that results in farmers losing a significant amount of income due to losses and costs attributed to the disease such as abortions, milk loss, and costs of vaccination, livestock mortality and trade barrier.


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How to Cite

HUSSEIN, A. M., & AĞAOĞLU, Z. T. (2022). Socio-Economic Impact of Brucellosis in Cattle At Banadır Region, Somalia. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(3), 558–562.


