Effects of Different Silage Additives on Silage Quality of Gramineae Forage Mixtures

Fructose, heterofermentative, homofermentative, molasses, silageAbstract
There should be no tables, figures or bibliography. In this study, silage quality properties, in vitro organic matter digestion (IVOMS), metabolic energy (ME) and in vitro methane gas values were investigated when different silage additives were added to barley, triticale and ryegrass forage crop mixtures at different mixing ratios grown as winter catch crop in Adıyaman province of Turkey. In the study, control group silages was not recieved any additives, while treatment groups silages prepared by addition of homofermentative lactic acid bacteria, heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria, 0.2% molasses and 0.2% fructose. In the study, IVOMS, ME and in vitro CH4 values of silages were found to be similar (p>0.05). While the lowest pH value was determined in the control group among the silage groups, the highest value was obtained from the silage prepared with the addition of 0.2% fructose. It was observed that the ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N/TN) value of the silages were increased with homofermentative lactic acid bacteria addition and decreased with addition of 0.2% molasses (p=0.000). The highest amount of CO2 was detected in the control group, while the lowest value was determined in the silage group to which homofermentative lactic acid bacteria were added (p=0.00). The highest value in terms of lactic acid content was determined in the control group, while the lowest was determined in the silage group with 0.2% fructose. When the acetic acid contents of the silages were examined, it was observed that all additives decreased the acetic acid contents of the silages compared to the control silage (P=0.001).
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