Comparison of Theories and Styles of Leadership and Management

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Leadership theory, leadership types, leadership traits, leadership performance


The discussion between Leadership and management has been going on for last two hundred years. Is every leader a manager or not? Or is every manager a leader or not? Vice versa. Every leader may not be a manager. Not every one can catch a chance to be a manager. There is no need to discuss this subject. But the discussion about the question of if every manager is a leader is still going on. Answer of this question for who studies on this subject is clear but for those who is a little bit far from this subject is still unclear. That is why it is better to identify the differences between these two concepts. Under today’s conditions of rapidly changing and intensifying competition, globalisation and more rapidly accelerating digitalisation affecting businesses climate, businesses must be managed by a leader and manager who has a vision and skills to prepare his/her business to the conditions of tomorrows. Other wise their life will not be so long. It will not be enough for business to be ready in terms of leader, manager or CEO’s. All of employees and managers must be managed under an inspirational leader and his team. To be able to have all workers well educated and having leadership traits, leader must set up an organisational hierarchy complying all these traits. First, theoretical base of these subjects has been studied then experiments achieved by other researchers have been scoped and inspected and sorted. Then these results have been gathered and brought together. Challenges and opportunities facing managers and leaders have been studied their way of finding solutions searched. From these experiments quantitative results have been achieved and proposals have been generated.






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How to Cite

ERSOY, H. (2022). Comparison of Theories and Styles of Leadership and Management. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(3), 545–557.


