Effects of Wild Animals on Agricultural Activities: Case Study of Hatay Province

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Hatay province, hunting, agriculture, wild animals


This study aims to determine the economic impact of wild animals on agricultural activity Hatay Region has a rich geography in terms of fauna and flora. This affects the social, economic and agricultural structure of the region. There are also negative effects of wildlife as much as positive on agricultural activities. In this context, the regions where wild animal damage is seen intensely. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 31 producers determined by the Snowball sampling method from the villages. Examining the appropriate package program of the obtained options is analyzed. The most damaging effects of data analysis are rodents, birds and wild boars. While the financial damage caused by wild animals to the products is approximately 4,000 TL per year, the amount spent by the producers for fighting is 855 TL. The most commonly used chemical poisoning and firearms are used by the producers in their methods of combating wild animals. These methods of struggle disrupt the natural balance. For this reason, trainings should be organized that teach the state the methods of natural control of wild animals, the limits of the natural habitats of wild animals should not be narrowed and human-animal conflict should be minimized.


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How to Cite

DAĞISTAN, E. ., ÇELİK, A. D. ., TAPKI, N., SARIOĞLU, T. ., KAYA, A. ., & TAPKI, İbrahim . (2022). Effects of Wild Animals on Agricultural Activities: Case Study of Hatay Province. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(2), 519–527. https://doi.org/10.52520/masjaps.v7i2id203


