Evaluation of The Effects of Urban Sprawl On Local Climate Change By Temperature and Raining Parameters: The Example of Konya Province

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Urban sprawl, climate change, mann-kendall tests, sen’s slope


Changes in economic policies also affect urbanization policies. In this context, increase of the cooperative and mass housing system and the location of mass housing in the city periphery have been effective in increasing the use of private vehicles. For this reason, urbanization in this process has been experienced in the form of urban sprawl. Although similar processes are experienced in Turkey, some legal regulations have also been effective on urban sprawl. For example, the widening of administrative borders in provinces with metropolitan status with Law No. 6360 is among the factors that trigger urban sprawl. The main problems caused by urban sprawl are the increase in energy demand and the decrease in urban carbon sink areas. Accordingly, changes are observed in the temperature and raining data, which are an effect of climate change in the local area. In this study, the effect of urban sprawl on local climate change over the example of Konya province was tested through temperature and raining parameters. In the study based on the 3 central districts of Konya (Karatay, Meram and Selçuklu), the temperature and raining data between 1960 and 2019 were associated with the growth of the city in the form of fringing or sprawling.



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How to Cite

KOÇAK, E. (2022). Evaluation of The Effects of Urban Sprawl On Local Climate Change By Temperature and Raining Parameters: The Example of Konya Province. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(2), 452–473. https://doi.org/10.52520/masjaps.v7i2id197


