Determination of Yield and Yield Components of Chickpea Varieties Grown in Winter and Early Spring in Sırnak-Idil Conditions

variety, chickpea, yield, yield characteristics, sowing timeAbstract
The aim of this study was to determine chickpea varieties that can be grown at different sowingtimes in Şırnak-Idil conditions and their important agricultural and vegetative properties. The study wascarried out in two sowing times (winter and early spring) with 10 chickpea varieties (Azkan, Arda, Aksu,Botan, Hasanbey, Arslanbey, Caner, Onur, Seçkin and Sezgin) according to the randomized completeblocks, split plot experimental design, with 3 replications, sowing times as main plots, varieties as subplotsin 2020/2021 growing season. As a result of the research, in different growing periods of various chickpeavarieties the number of days until flowering; plant height, first pod height, number of branches, number ofpods, hundred seed weight, and seed yield varied between 77.83 and 147.03 days, between 30.52 and 39.65cm, between 19.33 and 19.96 cm, between 2.89 and 3.01 per plant, between 10.46 and 27.38 per plant,between 33.28 and 37.75 g and between 78.34 and 112.41 kg da-1, respectively. As a result of the research,it was determined that winter sowing time were superior to early spring sowing time in terms of yield andyield components. Winter sowing time can be recommended in similar ecologies where the research iscarried out. In addition, Aksu, Hasanbey, Sezgin and Onur cultivars in the study were superior to othercultivars in the year the experiment was conducted in terms of yield and some yield-related characteristics.
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