Rehabilitation of Light Textured Soils With Olive Pomace Application

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olive pomace, Soil, erodibility, moisture constants, consistency index


Sustainable agricultural production is possible with the rational use of soil resources. The unconscious use of these resources increases the sensitivity to external factors. Organic materials are the most important source in the preservation and development of soil resources against external factors. With the decrease in the organic matter content of the soils, the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soils are negatively affected. One of the materials that can be used to improve the physicochemical properties of soils is pomace with a high organic matter content (84.1%). Olive pomace (pirina) is a material of organic origin that comes out as waste in olive producing facilities. The aim of this study is to examine the effects on soil moisture constants, consistency indices, water permeability and erodibility parameters, organic matter content and pH values by applying pomace to a sandy-loam textured soil. In the study, olive pomace was applied to a sandy loam texture soil at different rates (2%, 4%, 6% and 8%). The study was carried out in three replications in pots according to the randomized plot design. Soil samples were taken 7 months after the start of the study. In the comparison of soils with control samples, hydraulic conductivity, field capacity, available water, aggregate stability, liquid limit, plastic limit and organic matter values increased statistically (p<0.01), whereas dispersion ratio, bulk density and pH values decreased similarly. According to the results obtained, it can be suggested to use pomace as an organic resource for the improvement of light textured soils. However, it would be beneficial to conduct research on the effect on the plant to be grown immediately after the olive pomace application.


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How to Cite

KARA, Z., AYDEMİR, S., & SALTALI, K. . (2022). Rehabilitation of Light Textured Soils With Olive Pomace Application. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(2), 316–325.


