The Effect of Biochar Obtained from Municipal Pruning Wastes at Different Pyrolysis Temperatures on Maize Yield and Some Soil Properties

Biyokömür, dehidrogenaz, kimyasal toprak özellikleri, toprak solunumuAbstract
The pot experiment was set up in a randomized plot design with three replications. Biochar wasobtained at three different pyrolysis temperatures (300, 500, 700°C) by using municipal pruning wastes. Inresponse to the biochar applications at five different doses (0, 10, 20, 30 and 60 t ha-1), some biological(soil respiration, dehydrogenase activity) and chemical properties of the soils (pH, electrical conductivityEC, organic carbon, cation exchange capacity-CEC, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and B) and yield(fresh plant biomass) were investigated. The parameters analyzed showed significant changes between -48% and 141% when compared with the control soils (P<0.05). It was determined that the biochar obtainedat 300°C pyrolysis temperature can be biodegraded more easily than the biochar obtained at 500 and 700°C.Similarly, available phosphorus and boron had the most positive effect from biochar application at 300°Cpyrolysis temperature. Moreover, the available boron concentration achieved the highest increase with theapplication of 60 t biochar ha-1. It has been determined that biochar has the potential to increase the pHvalue of soils between 0.5-6.2% in 75 days. The EC value, which is an indicator of soil salinity, decreasedwith 700°C and 20, 30 and 60 t ha-1applications. An increase potential of 31.3% was determined in theCEC. There was no determinable effect on available Mn, Fe and Cu by independent variables. An increaseof 71.4% was detected in the maize yield with the application of 700 °C and 60 t ha-1.
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