Determination of the Effects of Worm Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Traits of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum L.) Cultivars

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  • Nazlı KALENDER Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi, Kızıltepe Meslek Yüksekokulu, Mardin
  • Yusuf DOĞAN Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi, Kızıltepe Meslek Yüksekokulu, Mardin



Durum wheat, variety, worm fertilizer, yield


This research was carried out in dry conditions in Mardin in the 2018-2019 growing season in order to determine the effect of worm manure on yield and yield related properties of durum wheat varieties. Two durum wheat varieties (Hasanbey and Zühre) registered in the GAP International Agricultural Research and Training Center were used in the study. Three different doses (0-100-200 and 300 kg/da) of worm manure were used as organic fertilizers. The trial was carried out in three replications according to the trial pattern divided in random blocks. Examined in the research; there were significant differences between the cultivar and applied fertilizer doses( 0.1 and 0.5%), in terms of plant height (cm), number of days to start (days), thousand grain weight (g), grain yield (kg/da), harvest index (%) and protein ratio (%), while applied fertilizer doses were significant, in terms of spike length (cm), number grains and biological efficiency (kg/da). The variety was significant in terms of thousand grain weight and hectoliter weight. According to the results obtained as a result of the study; In all the important traits, Hasanbey variety has higher values than Zühre variety. In worm fertilizer applications, the highest yield in terms of grain yield was obtained from 4433 kg/ha and 3000 kg of worm fertilizer per hectar and the lowest grain yield was obtained from 4063 kg/ha and 0 kg/ha control application. The protein ratio ranged between 12.6-14.0 %, and the highest protein rate was obtained from the application where the highest worm fertilizer was applied (3000 kg/ha), the lowest protein rate was obtained from the control application. The thousand grain weight changed between g, the lowest value was obtained from the control application, and the highest value was obtained from the application where 3000 kg/ha worm manure was applied. According to the results obtained, for the Mardin region, the hasanbey variety has superiority over the Zühre variety in terms of all traits, and the best results have been obtained from the application of the highest worm fertilizer dose (3000 kg/ha).



How to Cite

KALENDER, N., & DOĞAN, Y. (2021). Determination of the Effects of Worm Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Traits of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum L.) Cultivars. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(Özel Sayı), 1149–1159.


